Q. I think I need to take an Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP). Can you help me?

Yes, we stock the ECP. And we can have the required one-on-one conversation about taking the Emergency Contraceptive Pill in our private consultation area if you’d like.

Q. How come you stock natural health products as a pharmacy? As pharmacists, shouldn’t you be all about traditional medicines?

Well, we are! BUT we think natural health products have a place alongside traditional medicines. They can do a great job at improving your overall wellbeing – if you take the right products in the right doses.

Q. Unichem is a big chain. Aren’t you just part of a corporate machine?

A big, whole-hearted NO to that. While we are part of Unichem, we are still 100% locally owned and operated! We are small enough to care about you and our community, and being part of Unichem allows us to offer you products at competitive prices.

Q. So you call yourselves the hub of community health. What about other kinds of community support? Would you consider sponsoring community groups?

We pride ourselves in being part of our community, and we have supported a wide range of groups and clubs over the years. So if you are a community group looking for sponsorship come in and talk to us!

Q. Can anyone at Roslyn Pharmacy answer my makeup questions?

Yes, we can. And we’ll do you one better: you can get a beauty makeover with our trained beautician Hailey!

Q. Do you offer a loyalty programme?

Yes, we offer the Living Rewards programme – another advantage of being part of Unichem.

Q. How do I find out about the events you run throughout the year?

You can always come in and ask us in person. Or you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest to stay up to date on events.

Q. Do you offer flu shots?

Yes, we do! The flu shot is still the best prevention you can get when flu season starts. We can administer your shot right away, just come on in.

Q. What are the terms and conditions for discount promotions or offers?

Discount excludes all medicines, passport photos, mobile top-up's, stamps, gift cards, already reduced items and living reward points.